November 2017

Gold Medal Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie

My inspiration for Gold Medal Dark Chocolate Pecan Pie is that I am kind of obsessed with old school recipes. I recently came across thisĀ 1953 advertisement for Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Brownie Pie, which was originally published in House & Garden magazine. It sounded like my kind of pie (gooey brownies in a pie crust, anyone?), so I set out to recreate it. The first test-run tasted pretty good, actually, but

Sweet Potato Sticky Biscuits made with frozen sweet potatoes and walnuts.

Perfect for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, and even Easter Sunday, these Yam Good Sweet Potato Sticky Biscuits are so versatile! I usually serve these as a sweet side item for a holiday meal, but this recipe also makes a fantastic dessert–just add some vanilla ice cream on top! My personal preference–and it’s more of a necessity on some mornings than a preference–is to warm up a few leftover Sweet