July 2017

Loco Fried Rice with Mexican Chorizo Sausage

Things have been a little loco around here lately with the kids out for summer, our move into a new home, and a fun-filled family vacation in the Florida Keys. So I was thinking, why not add a little something different to my dinner menu to go with all this crazy? Introducing, ¡Loco! Fried Rice with Mexican Chorizo Sausage! ¡Loco! Fried Rice with Mexican Chorizo Sausage has all of the

Kind of a Big Dill Potato Salad with petite red potatoes, bacon, eggs, and Claussen dill pickles.

This potato salad recipe is kind of a big dill. Remember your granny’s old fashioned potato salad? This is that–but all dressed up for a night out. You could call this dill potato salad fancy. But fancy in the sense of Reba McEntire’s 90s hit, Fancy. You know which song I’m talking about. That poor, coming of age country girl who slides into that satin dancin’ dress to “start movin’ uptown”